Not just a phone thing – an ode to short distance relationships !

Hi you all! 

It’s finally time to revive the blog and this is something that’s been running through my mind. So at night when I try and calm the chaos by plugging in the earphones and listening to brown noise, this is what my mind is talking about. 

So when I was newly married, a couple of people told me ‘you don’t look married’. I took it as a compliment because strong believer in ‘seeing the positive always’. Someone really close to me once also told me that it’s nice that my husband and I have a phone relationship. I’m not answerable to anyone, so even if it is a phone thing, as long as I am paying the phone bill you shouldn’t have a problem. 

 Just to provide context, I and Saurabh have single parents to take care of and they are both senior citizens. I am glad that we have worked out a mutual thing where we can take care of both our parents, yet be together. Some days are difficult, and some days are easy, just like life. But considering it is a little unconventional and doesn’t fit the typical ‘bahu’ norms, people have tones to say. ‘Log kya kahenge’ will always be a question. 

 It is crucial to find your balance and it is high time we open our perspective to new learnings and societal rules. When someone on social media posts something that you don’t align with, you unfollow that person. You don’t delete your account right? The same holds true for life. Remove those who don’t align with your energy and remember – are you even growing up if you don’t lose friends? 

We are all learning from our mistakes, so let us explore what new-age marriages can be. It is time we redefine equality and blur the lines of gender roles. When you've shared your dil (heart), so it's ok to split the bill. I can proudly say, that’s what we are trying to do in our marriage. 

So here’s an ode to short-distance as well as long-distance! As long as there is love, understanding, and chai – what else do we need??

Kudos to love and all kinds of happy relationships! 
See you soon....


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