Till Eternity

Some stories stay with you forever!
You know it’s amazing that some stories are so close to your heart that they make a huge impact. We all have that phase in life when everything seems dark and disheartening. Believe that lights will guide you home and they will. 
I have never been able to decipher my emotions. Not that this is a problem, but there are so many in a single moment that they leave me confused. Witnessing the high and the low of the sinusoidal curve at the same time is quite a thing. Sometimes all you need to do is believe ‘Maybe it’s not as complicated as you think’

Amidst all the upheaval and turmoil these are some stories that I treasure. These help me find that lost hope and courage. I hope they do the same for you in some way!

The Little Coffee Shop of Kabul

After reading this book I felt liberated yet my emotions were caged. It talks about 5 women fighting for their existence, life and just about everything in Kabul, Afghanistan. For them the smallest of thing, like going to buy groceries from the market can become a major hurdle.
I feel grateful to be living in a country where freedom is valued, where wearing what you want to is not that difficult. Finding courage and surviving through atrocities is not the only thing that makes you a hero. Accepting life and its challenges also trains you to become a super hero. Sometimes life is a series of obstacles that have to be negotiated by the sheer act of will.

The snake story

This story was widely shared on Facebook. It was disturbing yet an eye opener and will make you think about your relationships.

There once was a woman who had a pet snake that she loved very much. The snake was about 7 feet long and one day it just stopped eating. After several weeks of trying everything she could to get the snake to eat, the woman took it to the vet. The woman explained the situation to the vet and he asked her, “Has your snake been sleeping with you at night or snuggling really close and stretching himself out?”
The woman replied, “Yes he’s been doing it every day and it makes me so sad that I can’t help him feel better.”
The vet says “Ma’am your snake is not sick; he has been preparing to eat you. He’s been sizing you up every day so he knows how big he has to be, and not eating so he has enough room to digest you.

Moral of the storyYou have to recognize the snakes out there. Just because they seem close to you and sleep in your bed, it doesn’t mean their intentions are good.

Romeo Love

So if you follow me on Instagram (here’s the link, just in case you want to know - ) you would know what a crazy dog girl I am. Romeo’s love has been embedded and will stay with me till eternity. I wish we all had hearts of dogs, world would be a happier place. Less rivalries and lots of loveee…
A lot of people are amazed to know that how can pets talk. He understands when  mom has had a rough day and need an extra kiss, he understand when I am alone his cuddles are just what I need, and he understands that it is best to hide and then put those puppy eyes to work when you break the faucet. They’ll talk to you only if you have the heart to listen!

I am grateful that this little angel came in out life and made our life complete. Thank you for the unending love and memories for a lifetime. Thank you for being the best boy! 

Shehr –e –Zaat

This is a wonderful Pakistani drama that was also aired on Zindagi channel. If you’ve watched it you’ll know and empathize with my feelings. For those of you who haven’t seen it, bookmark this post, go watch it and you’ll understand why am I going mad about it.
This Urdu word means ‘finding the city of self’. It’s a story of becoming and unbecoming all at the same time. The transformation is what wrenches your heart in a way that I cannot describe it in words.

It teaches you how love cannot be forced. You can sway people’s head but you can’t sway people’s heart. Watch it to understand how forgiving someone is the best you can do to yourself. It is true that when you forgive you don’t change the past, but your certainly change the future.

If you are also searching for a piece of infinite in this chaotic world, pause and look around. It might just be next to you….
We all must be grateful, but unfortunately we all have forgotten it in the rat race. Take a minute to be thankful that you have the capability to read this, do everything else in this magical world, and be thankful for your existence in the history of universe. 


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