Mid-month Frustrations

I have always believed that happiness is a choice! And I have made this choice very wisely. Well yes, most of the times. From the color of the nail polish to choosing a career path, the decision has always been tough but there are no regrets.

Sipping adrak wali chai (Ginger Tea) and eating chocolates and posing to be enlightened and contemplating the future! How swiftly life passes from one phase to another, with glitches and excitements complimentary.

I am happy to have said a big NO to job slavery. I fail to understand that how can one work in one domain day after day. And when they are bored the maximum they can do is crib!
Freelancing was a tough decision. But thanks to the endless support and encouragement from my parents I took the plunge. And today it has been more than 3 years. I am a happy and proud published author and a fairly successful freelance content writer (being modest is an art!)
December Breeze 

But you know what the worst part about freelancing is? It takes ages for people to understand that I am a full-time freelancer by choice. If you have a 9 to 5 job then mine is a 24X7 job. I have the same deadlines, work pressure but all at my own will. It isn’t a part time thing, it is my life. This is what gives me the courage to face the world; this is what get my ‘Body Shops’ and ‘Harper Collins’ and this is what I love…

The least you can do is pay on time (there are a lot of them who take payments for granted. For all of you I just want to say – please rot in hell). But there are many who understand the intricacies of the trade – all my respect to you (Please give me more work).

If you are planning to take this leap, don’t hesitate. 
And always remember the golden rule – ‘Self motivation is the best motivation!’


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