The choice is yours!

I have always dreaded (and will continue) making choices.  Whether it is what to wear or what to read, the final choice is always very difficult.  But the most difficult of them all is – what to eat!

Like last to last week I went to this surreal place – CafĂ© Lota and was caught in the web of making the most important, okay let’s say one of the most important choices of life – tea or coffee. Kashmiri Kahwa and Filter Coffee were juggling with my heart and mind. But like I always say that in the end the heart always wins, so filter coffee won and made the lunch heavenlier!

Making choices of what to read next is something I dislike to the highest power. My ‘to-read’ list is really long. The irony is that while I am reading other books keep distracting me, but when the book is over I can never decide which one to pick up next. At times this confusion becomes utterly annoying. Choosing between Agatha Christie’s classic murder mystery and E. Lockhart’s heartfelt descriptions is surely a tough task. How can one take such harsh decisions?

(You know my mom has just one word for all this, and it is DRAMA). Drama is an integral part of my life and why not?

The choices that we make are made of who we are. The choice of gorging upon Salli Boti over Beetroot cutlets depicts and intelligent person; the choice of buying same Garfield t-shirt for yourself and bae depicts a love struck ‘la la la’ person. But combine all of this, and it is one happy person.
I have always believed that the choice is yours and shall always be. So make it wisely.  


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