Summer TBR Books

Nocturnal tendencies will surely take me places one day!
It is 5 in the morning and the sky is looking pretty in shades of ombre blue from my window. Sipping my beloved spiced black tea…missing mountains…listening to ‘Banno tera swagger’ I am contemplating and compiling my summer TBR list…

 No, that's not the view from my window! But this is what I want it to be, mountains till the horizon and a sky in ombre shades. 

All the Bight Places (Jennifer Niven)

Got it from the World Book Fair, Delhi in February and have been tempted to read it ever since. But somehow I have resisted the temptation and succeeded in saving it as my ‘vacation read’. June come soon!
‘The Fault of Our Stars’ meets ‘Eleanor & Park’, that’s what Goodread says about All the Bright Places. Now how can one not be excited for something as beautiful as this. And just look at that gorgeous cover, takes away all the sorrows of your life!

Love, Rosie (Cecelia Ahern)

Cecelia Ahern is a weaver of modern day fairy tales. There is a touch of magic and whimsical feelings in all her books and I totally adore this. The picture perfect romance that she tells through her stories is what is really admirable.
I had read Where Rainbows End long back. And honestly I have totally forgotten, so decided to re-read it in the form of Love, Rosie.

The Book Thief (Markus Zusak)

The Book Thief has been on my ‘to-read’ list for the longest time. Finally ordered it during the Flipkart Bookmark It Sale and eagerly awaiting to read it.
So many recommendations and reviews have heightened my hope for this one. And of course it is a classic read which adds to the fun of reading.

Lolita (Vladimir Nabokov)

Last but not the least is the much talked about and the controversial, Lolita. Got it from the Flipkart ‘Bookmark It’ sale, although I wanted the other edition. I like the other cover better and this is a major bibliophile tendency. I am sure a lot of you fellow booknerds can relate to this.

Eleanor & Park (Rainbow Rowell)

Ever since I ordered my Kindle last year I wanted to read Eleanor & Park on it. How I love Rainbow Rowell.
‘Attachments’ by Rainbow Rowell was one of my favorite reads of last year. With the unending love and a burst of emotions, it has earned a special place in my heart and my bookshelf too. I hope I can soon say the same for Eleanor & Park as well.

A little aspiration and a lot of excitement have now been bubbling around this list. Now let’s see what and how these lovelies turn out to be.  


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