Kanatal Trails

Hi everyone!

Keeping up the promise of seeing you soon, I am back. My Instagram feed is filled with pretty pictures of mountains, and it seems everyone is heading to the hills. Since I have no plans of visiting the mighty mountains anytime soon, I thought of reliving old memories.

For whatever we lose, it's always ourselves we find in the mountains. 
Sipping tea, pretending I’m bundled up near the French window of my hut in the wilderness with orange juice and a YA book in my hand, let’s embark on this journey. You and I are revisiting (or maybe for you it’s virtual visiting) Kanatal, near Uttarkashi. 

Coffee is like love, the more patient you are with it, the better it would taste. 
Up in the Himalayas, away from the concrete shambles is this dainty heavenly land – Kanatal. It’s beautiful, blissful, and delightful.

Take me into your loving arms, kiss me under the light of a thousand stars, place your head on my beating heart, thinking out loud, maybe we found love right where we are! That’s what Kanatal is about.

Bliss is relative :)
Kanatal perfectly fits the idea of a laid back vacation. Snuggle up with your love, in my story it’ll be cozying up in the blanket with a book and some chai. (If you’re reading this, it could be you; but then life isn’t all roses.)

The best thing about my winter vacations is enjoying 'nothing to do'. Soaking up the golden sunshine, whiffs of crisp cool mountain breeze, introspecting life and thinking when will my Eleanor find me. (I like you a tad bit more if you’ve understood this context)

He was nothing but a tiny piece of her past, a piece that she would always treasure. 
There isn’t much to do, which I think is a great thing. You can enjoy a walk, okay let me put it fancily, the nature trail amidst the thick Deodar forest awaits your presence. It’s an incredible experience. The walk through the forest, the blue hues of the sky, the snow kissed mountains in the distance, and the vast stretch of boondocks – perfect setting for a Ruskin Bond book, or maybe Crime Patrol.

Just because you bury something, doesn't mean it stops existing. 
The one thing that you must not miss when in Kanatal is visiting the magnificent Tehri Dam. It’s huge beyond what I can express. The reservoir itself is life like, inviting, deep and full of stories. One breath and you realize what all the universe has. We are just a tiny part, but often forget this existence is a gift.

Look at those blue azure hues. How does one not fall in love. 
Visit Tehri to feel grateful, mesmerized, inspired and amazed. It’s alluring and a part of it remains with you forever. I’ll admit that the place looks magical in winters. And if you are lucky, you might just witness snowfall.

Sukranda Temple is next on the list. Surrounded by dense forest, the temple offers a spectacular view of the mystical Himalayas. Seek blessings at the temple and conclude your trip on a divine note.

No, he didn't give me flowers or chocolates. He gave me the moon and the stars. Infinity. 
Like all vacations this one also came to an end, but with a promise of a new story, new picture perfect postcard and new memories waiting to be taken to the heart.


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